Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: Compressor external Grinding, clutch plate, compressor cycles

Hi there..

BTW Thanks in advance for any help and info you may be able to give.

Lady I work with has a 96 grand am, just started to make a griding sound and i had a look for her to see were it was coming from. Seems to be the AC compressor, AC works great and when engaged no griding, but when its off you can see the left plate by the pully for belt stay still and rub on the pully. when AC engages its like the outter plate is locked onto the pully somehow and turns at the same rate.

I have never looked at a compressor before but wondering if it has some type of clutch were that plate is suppose to be pushed away from the pully when disengaged by a spring or something and that has failed, and normally pulled in close when engaged witch is still working on the compressor. I have told her to just leave the ac on for now to avoid and more grinding until the problem is resolved.

Thanks again

Not sure if I have explained it were you can understand what i'm trying to say lol sorry.


She needs to have the CLUTCH PLATE ASSEMBLY replaced. This is a fairly easy job. But you will need the SPECIAL PULLER in order to remove the CLUTCH PLATE ASSEMBLY.

In the center of the CLUTCH PLATE ASSEMBLY there is a nut or bolt that requires a deep 14mm socket that MUST be removed BEFORE you use the special tool to remove and replace the CLUTCH PLATE ASSEMBLY from the compressor.

Leaving the A/C ON all the time will cut down on the noise, However the compressor cycles ON and OFF and when it cycles OFF the noise is back.

STRONGLY suggest that she have it replaced ASAP.

let me know.
