Auto Air Conditioning & Heater Repair: No air comming out of vents, e mail address, vacuum line

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Question -
I have a '93 chev corsica that I just aquired. When the heater or air conditioner are turned on there is no air comming out of the vents. The blower motor is working and the air conditioner kicks on but I'm not getting any air inside the cab. I'm wondering if there is a vacuum line that controls the vents or if I might just have to replace the control. I also pulled out the blower motor and found the squirrel cage attached and turning the right direction.
Answer -
Are you getting ANY air flow from ANY vents when you turn on the A/C or heat ?.

No, I am not getting any airflow from any vents.

FOLLOWUP INFORMATION: Kevin, The RATE THIS EXPERT block where you type in your information only allws for about 15 words and therefore, I never get to see what the person fully wrote. What was the problem with your vehicle that apparently you found with my help.

You can e-mail me directly to:

[email protected]

As I keep a log of what the problem was and what was needed to correct it.

So, If you would please let me know what you found, I would appreciate it.

I do not have a staff of people helping me answer your questions, I do it all by my self, Therefore, Due to being retired and a 15 year old computer on a dial-up connection, I do my best to respond to questions within 3 to 4 hours due to the volume of questions I receive on a daily basis. If you require a faster response you can e-mail me directly at the below e-mail address as I check it more frequently.:

[email protected]
semi-retired in New Mexico


OK, Find out what and when was the last work that was performed on this vehicle of ANYKIND WHAT-SO-EVER.

Without actually having access to the vehicle a diagnosis is very hard to do, But I would suspect that the vacuum line from the engine that goes thru the firewall to the A/C and heat controls is either broken, leaking or some how got disconnected.

Get the repair history on the vehicle and let me know.
