QuestionI have 1990 Lincoln Towncar with a v-8 engine, and 128,00 miles recorded.
When I start the car, I have to drive several miles before the blower fan will come on. I can't start the blower on manual, either until I have driven a few miles. After the several minute drive the fan comes on and works o.k.
Any ideas?
Bob Daniel
AnswerHI Robert;
Ford uses a fan delay temp switch to control the fan, but this normally comes into play when you ask for heat on a freezing morning. This switch is located in the heaterhoses and liiks like an "H" plus a wire connector. These can and do get stupid.
It is also possible that the blower motor itself is on the way to failure. Next time you fire off the car, set the controls in full blower and smack the blower motor with a small hammer. If it starts, replace it. If it does not, check for current at the connectors. If none, then I would replace that temp switch and go from there.