paint peeling
paint peeling
QUESTION: I forgot to attach these
ANSWER: HI Cheryl,
Can you please send me your question about the peeling paint?
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paint peeling
QUESTION: here it is
ANSWER: HI Cheryl,
I have the pictures of the peeling paint. I don't know what the exact question is about the paint.
The vehicle needs to be repainted. Whether it is spot painting or a whole panel that needs refinishing will have to be determined by a qualified body shop.
Peeling paint can have many answers why. From age to a repaint that wasn't done properly the first time.
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QUESTION: That panel was repaired in 2010 and it is the only spot on the car that this is happening to. The repair shop said it was a rock chip or battery acid or something that got on the car. Which of course it was not. The battery is on the other side of the car, and I do not have a bunch of rocks hitting that side, nor do I park under a tree or anything.
AnswerIf there was no vandalism, such as someone pouring a chemical on the that area, or if it was a rock chip, the paint should not fall off like that. It doesn't fall off on the front of the car were rock chip exposure is the highest. The original repair was not done correctly. And from the pictures that would be my guess.
Unless you have a warranty on the paint, the original body shop would be off my list. Find another and have them repaint it. They might be bale to tell better exactly what the cause is.
If you are looking for compensation from the other body shop, sorry I don't think that will happen. unless you can absolutely prove they did the repair wrong, there isn't much you are going to be able to do, especially after 6 years