Auto body repair & detailing: 97 buick lesabre

How do I r&r the front bumper cover

Hi Jarret!....In order to remove the front bumper cover on your 1997 Buick Lesabre, you will first need to remove the retaining clips/screws that attach the fender wheelhouse splash shields to the leading edge of the bumper cover on both sides. Once this is done, there will be a screw/bolt driven up vertically at the back edge of the cover, attaching it to the bottom edge of the fender. In some cases, there could be a retaining plate with 2 or 3 studs attaching it. Simply pull back the splash shields to gain access, and remove as necessary. Once this is done, check underneath the bottom of the cover, and remove all retainers/clips/screws, that attach it to the lower crossmember/rad supprt. You should now be able to simply "slide" the cover off. If this is not the case, you will then need to remove the grill, to gain access to the hidden retainers under the grill. The cover should now be able to be removed....If you run into any problems, please do not hesitate to write me back. Let me know what issue you are having, and I can guide you through....Hope this helps you out.....Thanks, Dave.