Auto body repair & detailing: 2001 toyota corolla roof replacement
A pole fell on top of my 2001 Toyota Corolla. I want to replace the roof with a new one but with a sunroof. How much would it be to replace this roof? (average "guesstimate")
AnswerHi Xavier!....First of all, Thank You for the pictures. In order to replace a factory roof without a sunroof to a roof with a sunroof, you will need to take into consideration the cost of the sunroof assembly, a new headliner, an overhead console/sunroof control assembly, possibly changing 1 or 2 roof crossbows, and last of all, your vehicle will most likely need to have the proper wiring harness installed. This can become quite costly, but it definitely can be done. My guess for this changeover would be in the area of $4,000-$5,000. The price will be dependent on using a factory or aftermarket roof panel, using new or used all other related parts for the changeover, as well as the door rate that the Autobody shop charges. To replace the roof with the original, my estimate for this would be around $2,500....Hope this information helps you out....Please drop me another line anytime if you have any other questions or concerns....Thanks for your question...Dave.