Auto body repair & detailing: Body panel question, bare metal, trunk lid
QuestionIf I install a reproduction replacement trunk lid that has the coat primer coating on it with out painting it. what harm could it do to that panel if any? I won't be able to have it or the whole car painted for at least 6 months from now. would it be ok to use that way until then? The original lid as big holes rusted completly through.
AnswerHi Curt!....There should be no problem at all installing a reproduction panel, or a factory one for that matter, and leaving it for a while before having it refinished. The primers used on these panels today, are non-pourous, smooth, and therefore they will not allow water to be absorbed. You only need to make sure that there are no scratches, nicks, etc., that expose bare metal. If there are, you can simply check out your local Autobody/Parts supply store, and pick up a spray can of primer, and touch up the affected areas with a touch up brush. Just as a note, if one was to do a repair on any panel using a filler, a " primer-surface" is what is generally used. These are very pourous, act like a sponge, therefore attract water, and need to be refinished before being out in the elements....Hope I have helped you out....Drop me a line if you have any further questions....Thanks....Dave