Auto body repair & detailing: Car Finish Damaged by Magnetic Signs, magnetic signs, body shop

I have been very careful to remove the magnetic signs on my car prior to car washing.  However, it recently rained a lot and the sign had a bend in the middle allowing moisture in.  When I removed the sign, the finish of the car was faded.  I have used car finish cleaner and polished it but it's still there.  What product do you recommend that won't damage the finish further?  Thx

Hi Jeanne,

Honestly, if the paint has faded the panel will have to be re-painted if it's a newer car with a clear-coat finish. It sounds like the color underneath the clear has faded and if that's the case there's no polishing that will fix it.

I would recommend that you take it to a reputable body shop for a recommendation from them.