Auto body repair & detailing: honda civic LX radiator support question, honda civic lx, autobody shop
i need the measurements for the radiator support on a 1998 Honda Civic LX Sedan. i bought a crashed car from my brother and i am about ready to straighten out the radiator support (its not hit hard at all, just a tiny bit tweaked) ive looked and called everywhere and everyone i can think of and no one is able to help me unless i bring the car to a shop and put it on a machine. i have 5+ years exp in auto body so i know what i'm doing, i just cannot find any frame specs/measurements anywhere. my problem is i think when he rear ended the car in front of him, the upper section of the rad. support got pushed up a bit. I already fit all the parts and everything fits real nice except the hood. there is a pretty good gap between that and the top of the headlights. any form of measurement would be awesome. thanks in advance!
AnswerHi Jim!....I checked out the web, and found the Mitchell web site for you...You will just need to sign up, as it says there is a free 1 month trial....This is the company who I use for measurements, as they seem to be the most accurate, at least from my experience....Where I work, we have the complete programming system linked up, so I was actually surprised to see that they actually offer it over the internet....If this doesn't work for you, I would then suggest, just head down to a local Autobody Shop, and ask them if they can print you off a copy of the dimension charts...We do it on a regular basis for a few of our local guys,at no charge....Hope this helps...Thanks....Dave
Here is the link