Auto body repair & detailing: Getting out stubborn rust specks, volkswagen new beetle, new beetle convertible
QuestionQUESTION: Hi,
I own a 2007 Volkswagen New Beetle convertible which I bought new. Recently one of my calipers went bad, wore out the brake pad and started grinding into the rotor. Volkswagen replaced all of these parts under warranty, but now on the driver's side I see thousands of tiny rust specks. They will come off if you scratch them off with a fingernail, so they haven't penetrated the clearcoat. I've already tried washing, cleaner wax, and two types of clearcoat safe compounds. None of these worked. Have you heard of this before? I'm not really sure what else to try without damaging the clearcoat. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
- Karl
Please find a "PROFESSIONAL DETAILER" that knows how to use automotive clay. You can look this up on the web. The spots can be removed easily that way.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Thank you for the advice Bob. But is there a product on the market where I can do it myself? Of course I don't want to ruin the finish, but detail shops here in New York tend to charge an arm and a leg. Right now I'm on kind of a limited budget. If there is no other alternative you can suggest I will take your advice. Thanks in advance.
- Karl
The closest product to the professional market clay would macquiers. Expect to spend at least two to three hours removing the metal dust, polishing and waxing the car. Lubricate with the solution that comes with the product or use dish washing liquid and water. About 1 to 30 soap and water in a squirt bottle.
Good Luck and e-mail with more questions.