Auto body repair & detailing: what type of plastic of in a rear honda bumper, honda bumper, adhesion promoter

I'm going to plastic weld this or braze it, but not sure on what type of plastic  , in a Honda 2005 accord rear bumper. Thanks for the help . Ron

Hi Ron! There are 2 types of plastic used on pretty much every manufacturer's bumper covers today, and for the past 15-20 years. They are " Thermoplastic " ( Plastic meaning mouldable, you can reshape/weld it with heat ). And " Thermoset " ( Set meaning the shape is not mouldable using heat ). The only true way to tell which one you have, would be to remove the bumper cover and check for a stamping code on the inside. It will be something like AAS, PA, TPO, etc....If you are plastic welding, this would be helpful, because there are so many chemical combinations. Welding rods are usually color coded as to composition. Your local parts/autobody supplier should be able to recommend the proper one. One other option, is to use a 2 part Chemical product. The one that I get the best results with is from a company called Kent. The product is called " Chem-Weld ". You will also need to buy the adhesion promoter also, ( it does not come with the product )....Hope this helps...If you have any other questions, please do not hesisate to ask......Thanks.....Dave