Auto body repair & detailing: 2003 Mustang GT Convertable, crumple zones, mustang gt

Hi and Thank you in advance.....
My car was T boned in front of the Left wheel...The bumper was torn of the car as well as the foam protector... the bumper bar was moved  about 6" Both rails Left and Right were bent and BOTH  CRUMPLE ZONES compromised ...the front sway bar moved 2" to the left (while everything else moved to the Right) The Left strut is bent the lower left control arm is bent .......The car was racked and while on the rack and off its own suspension and siting on its rails the passenger door (opposite side of hit)lifts 1/2" this tells me the car twisted.....

He wants to repair the Existing rails and is ignoring the state of the 1 time use crumple zones which have popped on either side of the frame rails .........

My actual question in all this Babble is .....CAN CRUMPLE ZONES BE REPAIRED vs REPLACED ?

The car whose driver fell asleep and hit us the impact cracked his transmission case and broke all engine mounts 2004 Honda civic

Hello Demitri
This sounds pretty serious.Please send me some photos so I can advise you better. The short answer is that yes the 'crumple zones' are repairable, but we have sometimes replaced them. This all depends on the severity of the impact.
Hope this is helpful