Questionhey, my dog pooped on my leather seat, it heats up and has holes in it, well it got stuck in the holes and i cant eliminate the smell, is it possible for a detailer to get rid of it?
AnswerFirst thing is, why didn't you have a blanket down on the seat? You would have eliminated this problem as well as keeping the seat looking better. I will now get of my soapbox, Thank You.
Without knowing what all the fine details, I will give you a general answer and hope that helps.
Yes a "good" detailer should be able to correct this problem. Expect it to cost you a bit because the seat may have to be taken out or apart to clean it properly. But you have to make sure the detailer knows what they are doing. You can't just pour a solution on the top side and hope that this will clean the problem up. Doing this could lead to more problems, such as shorting out the heating element contacts.
Check out the detailer thoroughly.