Auto body repair & detailing: Finishing a Motorcycle Tank Paint Job, acrylic enamel paint, motorcycle tank

Hello, I am restoring a older Honda motorcycle and am in the process of re-finishing the gas tank at the moment. So at this stage I have stripped it, applied 5 coats of primer with sandings in between, applied 3 coats of acrylic enamel paint(PPG from spray bombs) also with sandings in between. The enamel has now dried for a week and looks really good, I just have a few problems with the finishing steps. My questions are 1) Do I wet sand the finish now then polish and clear coat or clear coat now, wet sand and polish? I am not sure what process to follow from here. 2) Do I apply decals then clear or put the decals on over the clear? I of course want to do the best job I can in my garage and would like a really shiny/glossy tank. I am working on the chrome at the moment but would like to have the bike finished for my son's 18th birthday at the first of September. Thanks for any help you can give me.

Hello Derek
Yes, wet sand the topcoat. If you are happy with the finish, apply the decal and then apply the clear. You will have to repeat the clear coat operation a few times ( wet sanding in between)to eliminate the build up around the decal. Then when you are sure you have enough clear , wet sand again and polish.
Happy 18th to you son and good luck