Auto body repair & detailing: base coat wet sand, metal flake, flame job

ok my base coat has some imperfection like minor fish eye and some very small bubbles caused by metallic flake I am reading where i can wet sand this down smooth then use a rubbing compound to bring back the color from wet sand plan on using 2000 paper is this accurate? and would you recommend clear coat before old school flame job?

Hello Rick
My system has been down, so accept my apology for the delay in getting my response to you.
If you have "metal flake or metalic"as a base, the answer will be quite different.

#1) If you did not paint and clear the unit it is very risky to attempt this 'wet sand and polish'
with any grit of paper because you do not know the mill build up of the clear and ,if you hit the top of one of the flakes ,they will turn black. So in this case,it sounds like a risk.

#2)Graphics always need a base ,and the base should be cleared and sanded before manipulating the surface with art work

Hope this helps

Dan Gardener