QuestionDo you have any good ideas,how to remove bumper stickers? Thank You
I am going to have to answer this as a general question not knowing the specifics of the type of car, sticker and how long it might have been on the bumper.
If the sticker is the plastic or vinyl type, a pressure washer works well. Work an edge of the sticker and hope it comes of easily. It could take as long as 15 minutes or more to take a sticker off especially if has been on the bumper a long time. You can also try a hair dryer, working at the edge and slowly peeling it off. This takes a lot longer to do. Either way you are going to be left with adhesive residue. Tar and bug remover should work. Spray the remover on the adhesive and let it soak for about 5 minute. Work it loose with an old towel. Once it is removed follow up with a good polish and wax.
If this a paper sticker, go to the bug and tar remover first, spray and soak. Again work it loose with an old towel. Polish and wax.
If the sticker is on a chrome bumper, you can use a dull razor blade to pick it off. You may leave a few scratches. You can also use the pressure washer procedure.
Be patient. If these ideas don't work, e-mail me again with the specific car, year, painted bumper and where the sticker is located.
Hope this helps,