Auto body repair & detailing: car safe after cutting/welding at frame crumple zone/, vital impact, shot caller

Hi, Bill,
I smashed my 2003 Corolla front end up pretty good.  Two body shops said the bent frame could be put on a rack and straightened.  The one I chose now says they need to cut off a piece of the rail at the crumple zone on one side and weld a new piece on.  They said it will be stronger than before the accident.  
My question is: will it be safe?  They told me the damage was limited to everything in front of the suspension due to the crumpling effect.  If they weld on  the new foot or so long piece, will it be able to crumple, offering the same degree of safety the car had prior to the accident?
The insurance company has gone back and forth between declaring the car repairable and then totaling it, then again saying it is reparable.
Thanks much,

This is your decision you... are the shot caller.Not the insurance company here.It is your
right and you can tell them to repair the car the way you want it repaired.
This is a Toyota a solid investment, and the most value holding reliable vehicle on the road
today.I myself don't believe in splicing in pieces on a cars vital impact areas, like the
damage you are describing. If you like this car and are planning on keeping it, or for just plain common sense and for safety purposes. I myself would replace the front rail complete.
It will NOT crumple in an accident the way it was designed to at the factory, if in effect
it has been spliced.
 I'm not saying any particular shop does not do a good or fair job, or doesn't know what they are talking about. This is just MY opinion and based on past experience. I hope this helps you
and does not confuse you.
                                                         Best of luck  Bill