Auto body repair & detailing: collision repair, wheel alignment equipment, frame damage
QuestionI have a ford Focus 2009 that has suffered a 40 mph impact to its, passenger side rear wheel, all the control arms , trailing arm and the crossmember got bent out of shape. I've replaced the crossmember and all the arms on the right side. My question is, would I need to replace the left side also? because the arms look straight but the left rear wheel looks like its slightly pointed inwards. or is that 'cause of frame damage because some of the holes for the crossmember were a bit off?
AnswerJhon, I suggest you have the wheel alignment checked with 4 wheel alignment equipment that will tell you if there is a problem.if there is misalignment it will need to go to a body/frame repair shop to be measured and pulled back to specifications, H T H Bill Tuma