Auto body repair & detailing: 2003 Chevy Impala rocker panel extention removal?, chevy impala, rubber mallet
QuestionHow do I remove the plastic rocker panel extensions on a 2003 Chevy Impala? What appear to be the clips have befuddled me!
AnswerThey befuddle me, too. I have specail clip tools and I can SOMETIMES remove the upper clips and only break a couple- you need to go to your local GM dealer, and order new clips. Use a stiff putty knife and a small hammer (preferably a rubber mallet) and just break the upper clips starting from rear to front. the bottoms have a tab you release, and then pull the rocker towards you- you'll break one or two of those before you completely figure it out. Once the rocker is removed, turn the bottom clips 90 degrees and they will literally fall out of the hole. Try to save as many lower clips as possible, they're pricey. Bill