Rusted Rocker Panel?
QUESTION: Hi, I own a 97 Ford Taurus in which the passenger side rocker panel is quite rusted out. The rusted out section is located right underneath the car between the wheels. My first question is would I be able to patch it up myself with some kind of filler? And if so what do you recommend? But if I can't do the job myself and it must be taken to a body shop would they be able to repair it by means of welding? I have been told it would cost me atleast $300 to have the entire panel replaced and I simply cannot afford that so im basically looking for alternatives. I have attached a pic so you can assess the damage. Keep in mind I had to point the camera underneath the car at an angle to take this so it isn't the greatest.
ANSWER: Corey, There two types of body rust:1 surface rust which can be repaired by sanding,priming and painting done.2 cancer which needs surgery ie. welding replacement metal or complete panels replaced. The bigger problem you have to look at is, is there other rust going on with other mechanical parts,like hydraulic brake lines,fuel lines,suspension parts,seat belt mounts. . . It looks like your rocker panel is eaten away and probably the surrounding area also,this is the backbone of this Uni-bodys structure. Trying to make it look better is the wrong way to go. It must be made strong enough to withstand road conditions and possibly a collision.Even small amounts of rust can be dangerous to your safety .Fix it right or drive safe and slow.Not what you wanted to hear but I hope it helps you make an informed decision. Bill.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: So do you think welding replacement metal there will do the trick or should I just go ahead and get the entire panel replaced? If im going to fix it right I need to know which route to take.
AnswerCorey, my first tool to use on that kind of a problem is a hammer, I will bang all around that rust and test the surrounding metal for solidness ,if the area is small local rust and a patch can be hand made and welded on and make a safe repair go for it,but do check for other rust areas.Did i mention BRAKE LINES, don't take chances with rust. Rust never sleeps. Bill