Auto body repair & detailing: Window molding overspray removal, window molding, 3m tape

Hi Bill,

Maaco painted my car and didn't mask the rubber window molding very well and I'm having a hard time removing the paint.

I've tried chipping it off with a small knife but it's very slow. I've tried acetone but it doesn't cut it.

Do you know a chemical I could buy that would remove the month-old paint?

Thanks for your time,

Paul,the best way i  remove paint  from rubber mldgs. is to mask below the mldg. with 2 or 3 layers  of GOOD green 3M tape than use steel wool  2-0 and rub till paint comes off. I dont like solvents they could harm paint job. you can also try to lift up the rubber  with a plastic applicator and leave it under  the rubber and scrape with a hard plastic tool not knife or metal.HTH Bill