Auto body repair & detailing: How much will this dent cost to repair?, labour, photo

Auto body repair & detailing: How much will this dent cost to repair?, labour, photo
How much will this den
Kindly see accompaning photo....How much will it cost to repair this dent?

Hi, You are looking at an estimated 8 hrs to repair the door and another 6.5 hrs to paint. Total time 14.5 hrs. additonal $200.00 for the paint and materials required. My shop rate is at $ 30.00 Hr. Total     Labour  $240.00
           Gst     $12.00
       Materials  $200.00
       Gst -pst    $22.00
                          Total= $474.00
 This is a estimate only and shop rates do vary in different areas........Hope this helps and all the best to