Auto body repair & detailing: 1997 Honda Civic Ex drivers door, honda civic ex, floor jacks

Hi, Had to take the door off my civic to try to fix the power window wires. Simple design, five bolts and it's off. Put it back on, and it sags, maybe 1/4-1/2 inch. Can you tell me how to adjust/align the hinges, or should give it the old rag in the gastank treatment. Thanks for your HELP!!!!

The best way before striking the match is to double check the bolt positions and be sure they are in the postion when you started...if they are and there is no more adjustment then grab the bottom of the door in the half open position and give it a upwards heave hoe.( Lift). Floor jacks and blocks of wood work really well if your back will not take the lift.........Hope this gives you somewhat of a idea as to how to get that door aligned................Kim