Auto body repair & detailing: Lumina door Trim, chev lumina, aplied
QuestionThe door trim on my 1997 Chev. Lumina has begun to peel- about 1 foot of it. It happened on a really cold day last winter- how can I re-attach this piece? Do I have to take it all off and re-attach, or can I use a hair dryer to soften the piece which has curled away from the door, put in place and use adhesive strips? Help!!
AnswerHi Kevin, Taking the moulding off and using two sided adhesive tape is your best course of action. Winshield urethane aplied to the moulding underside and then taped into position with masking tape untill the urethane has set is another choice for you....I hope this helps and all the best to you.......Kim