QUESTION: what is the weight of a 70 chevelle convertible body?engine?trans?separately? and frame? for lifting and transporting?
And what do you think of a one piece floor pan vs.left and right floor pans with the thin piece left on top of the hump?Body shop wants me to get one piece to do it right.All rotted were you put your feet.
ANSWER: These weights are approximate- the engine- 550 Lbs. Trans-250 Lbs. body-3250 Lbs. Your floor has catastrophic rusting- do as the body shop says, don't second guess the expert. Two piece floors are for ease of installation on cars with a roof- it's difficult to get the 1 piece floor pan in and out of the car whilst fitting and trimming. With a convertible, that isn't an issue. Be sure they install new floor braces if the 1 piece pan doesn't come with braces already installed. Bill
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I think these know what their doing.They restore all kinds of cars.It's just that I already bought the left and right pieces.But the parts are missing the holes with threads for the seatbelts and the drain holes are not cut out,no threaded holes for the seats,it's more labor to put in.Anyway know I'm lifting the body off the chassis and I'm trying to take the emergency brake cable off the body.I can't figure out how this fitting works inside the pass.compartment.It looks like you have to squeeze the thing together while pushing it threw the hole.I have not looked at the manual yet.
AnswerOnce again, don't go against the guys fixing it. Send the floor pans back to where you got them, and get a 1 piece. If they won't take them back, which I doubt, sell them on ebay. It's more labor to install the 2 piece and separate braces, more labor to install will mean more money you will have to pay at the end of the job. The bolt holes and seat belt holes are a HUGE deal- the seats will not bolt in correctly if the braces are welded in even 1/4 inch off in any direction. If the new pan comes with braces already installed, or even the correct mounting holes punched in them, it means faster assembly time, meaning you will get it back that much sooner. The 1 piece is probably only a couple hundred more- it's money that will get burned up in extra labor real quick, not to mention how the quality of the job will be affected. Buck the body shop, and they will have no problem charging you more money just for being a pain. As far as the cable goes, yes, they need sort of collapsed to get them out. It's difficult, especially when everything is crusty and filled with dirt, but with patience you can get it out. Bill