Auto body repair & detailing: Driver door 92 Astro Van, astro van, special tools

The door hangs down a quarter of an inch, as if someone had hung on the door stretching it downward.  It grinds a bit on opening and closing, unless I muscle it up a bit, then it is a clean fit.  I am about to replace the door handle, for the third time in a year, as the door being cocked puts strain on the cheap taiwan made cast metal door handles.  HOW CAN I adjust this door upwards a bit?  Can I bend it?  If so, which part of the hinge to I bend and which direction, or do I need body shop welding et al???  Thanks.

The door needs hinge pins and bushings installed, then it will likely need the door bet a bit to finish the job. I'm sure you have realized by now that it has welded hinges. This requires special tools, and I recommend a body shop perform this task for you. Pass by any shop that wants to charge you to cut off and remove the old hinges, they are trying to rip you off. Parts should run under 40 dollars. I can't give you a labor price without actually seeing the van- there could be secondary damage to the striker or hinge areas that will need welded up and painted from prolonged improper alignment. Bill