Auto body repair & detailing: re-applying old decal or bumber sticker, sticker design, car bumper
I have an old bumper sticker made out of thin plastic. It's a special bumper sticker design they don't make anymore and I want to save it. I was able to remove it in one piece from my old car and want to apply it to my new car. What is the best kind of adhesive to use that will not ruin the bumper sticker or my new car bumper's finish.
Thank you!
Answer3M makes a contact adhesive designed for re-applying emblems to cars. It comes in clear, flat plastic sheets, and you just press the emblem onto it. It picks up the ahesive, and then you just apply to the vehicle. I personally suggest having someone scan the sticker into a computer and making a new sticker. It requires special software and printing paper- both of these methods are expensive. Your final option is to re-apply it with clear box tape. Bill