Auto body repair & detailing: Painting 96 Dodge Neon bumper covers, bulldog adhesion promoter, plastic bumper

Hello ... My son has a 96 Dodge Neon that I am going to paint complete. I believe it has the bumper covers molded in the color of the car. Can these be refinished? I know that I should use flex additive but do I need a special primer or adhesion promoter if they can even be painted?

Hi Jim,

Yes, they can be refinished. You will need to use an adhesion promoter. I personally like using Kleanstrip's Bulldog Adhesion promoter. You can find it at this site:

If you are using basecoat/clearcoat and you are painting it on the vehicle then you wouldn't have to use a flex additive. Use the bulldog adhesion promoter just as the instructions on the can say. Then paint according to your paint manufacturer's instructions. I hope this helps out.