Auto body repair & detailing: Dodge Grand Caravan headlight assembly, dodge grand caravan, guide pin
QuestionDavid, The 1999 van has a clear plastic guide pin (approx. 1/4" diameter x 1" long) on the outer edge of the headlight assembly. Although it does not appear to serve as a rigid mounting tab, if broken off, is it substantial enough for the insurance company to replace the assembly if they think it was broken during a collision? What is the full purpose of the guide pin? How can I get specs or drawings of the headlight assembly?
AnswerGene, the guide pin is intended to show you where the head lamp should be sitting before using screws or attaching hardware to mount the headlamp. If the tab is broken, you are entitled to replacement if accident related. A broken tab equals broken HL assy or housing. As for specs; I do not have a spec sheet on this. A dealership would have those. Bottom line; I recommend you change out any damaged part in an insurance claim situation to restore vehicle back to pre accident condition. Otherwise, if you have to pay for part, it really does not need to be changed to have the headlamp function properly. Thanks Gene, David