Auto body repair & detailing: Unibody Repair, toyota camry, corrosion protection

Auto body repair & detailing: Unibody Repair, toyota camry, corrosion protection
Hi, recently my 2003 Toyota Camry was involved in a rear end collision.  I have attached an image of the damages.  I personally thought the vehicle will be a right off, but the insurance company decided to repair it.  My concern is on how they are fixing the car.  They literally cut the car in half and are welding in another rear half of another car.  Is this procedure safe as it is not really a unibody structure any more and what about twist?

I have done a lot of these repairs, have the car checked out by your mechanic when done, you should not have any problems. This is a lot better than replacing panel by panel. Your only concern should be corrosion protection.
I know it looks bad to see your car in two pieces like that, but this is a fairly simple repair.