Auto body repair & detailing: 2001 BMW hood/grill, reputable shop, insurance co

I received a dent in the hood/grill.  The repair shop said it could be put back into place.  It appears to me the metal is too thin to bend back into place, and for it to stay in place.  I am trying to determine if I should press the insurance co. to replace the hood.  Any comments would be appreciated.

As long as you are taking your car to a reputable shop, I wouldn't worry about it. The shop would make more money replacing the parts, rather than repairing them. They and the Ins. co. should warranty the work for as long as you own the car. If the shop says they can repair it to original appearance, then let them do their job.
I don't know the extent of the damage or the shop you are referring to, if they have a good reputation, you should be fine.