Auto body repair & detailing: 2001 kia optima, federal law states, 2001 kia optima
Questionlast monday,3-31-08, i brought our kia into mavis because we thought we needed a front end alignment. steering was getting difficult and the front passenger wheel looked crooked. i wasn't sure if the axel was involved,so he said he wouldn't know until it was up on the lift. when he checked he said it badly needed an alignment and new front tires. o.k. fine. on friday,4-4-08, the front passenger tire came off while my son was driving. luckily no one was hurt. the towing company called and told me kia has a problem with rotting frames. a new frame plus a new axel and labor is costing $2125.00. does this all sound right to you and do you think mavis should have found this during the alignment 5 days earlier. we live in suffolk county n.y. thanks.
Answer If somebody was just under your car doing an alignment, they should have informed you of the rust damage. This is a first for me, I have yet to here about this problem but it doesn't surprise me with Kia. I would check with the dealer to see if they can give you any help with this. They probably won't but it's worth a try. Federal law states the car companies have to warranty against rust through for six years or a one hundred thousand miles.
Good luck