Auto body repair & detailing: door to my jeep wrangler 1997, crank removal tool, jeep wrangler

QUESTION: My passenger side door will not lock or open.
the arm that connects broke off the door handle.
How do i take the door apart?
Thank you. Its a 1997 jeep wrangler

ANSWER:  Look for screws all around the edges of the panel and in the arm rest area. You may need a trim removal tool and a window crank removal tool, they are both cheap at most auto parts stores.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I cant get my door open at all. So I cant get to the screws

Try locking the door manually. Lightly pound with your hand around the latch area. Unlock the door and try to open. Quite often, the latch will get jammed in lock position and the spring is not strong enough to release it because of corrosion. Keep working it and shooting some WD-40 down to the latch if you can.