Auto body repair & detailing: identifying car from manuf PN, gm part number, gm models
QuestionUnusual question perhaps: a hit/skip auto took out Very expensive fencing,but left behind is the license plate bracket with VT 1845 and GM PF 25532339. Any luck I can know the Make/model or even year from this info...I already know its champagne paint.
AnswerWow Judy, good find on the part (evidence). I know if you call a Chevrolet dealer and read them the part number they will let you know what make and model it goes to. Be aware that many GM parts cross over and are used on different GM models. Ask for parts department and they should help right away while you are on the phone. The part number sounds like a GM part number. The VT 1845 may not be a useful, number but the 25532339 sounds positive. Good luck Judy! David