Auto body repair & detailing: replacing 1981 CAMARO floor pans, welding shop, show car

I have a 1981 camaro. It has has a great exterior look, but the inside is really bad. The floor is rusted to the point where I can see through it. I have never done any work to it as far as trying to repair the floor. What is the next step to repair this rust? Should I take it to the pros to have a new floor welded or is it something simple to fix?
Thank you

If you are planning a show car, yes take it to the pros. If you are going drive the car, tack weld some sheet metal over the holes, prime and caulk, then undercoat. It's really just a matter of how big the problem is. If you have very large holes, then you might better have it checked out by a pro. You might take it to a small welding shop to get a price, may be a bit cheaper than a body shop.