Auto body repair & detailing: Button Paint Chipping, oldsmobile intrigue, black paint
QuestionHello, I own a 2002 Oldsmobile Intrigue and the seek/skip and preset buttons on my radio have the black paint chipping off. Is there any kind of paint I can buy to cover up the missing paint on the buttons, or am I stuck with resorting to a sharpie? Thanks, Jeremy
AnswerHi Jeremy,
You can buy a black touch up paint that you would use for touching up the exterior of your car. This should hold up better than using a sharpie. Now, you will need to prep the area very good. Clean it well with Isopropyl Alcohol and scuff inside the area where the chip is with a #0 Steel Wool or Maroon Scotchbrite Pad (3M 37447). Then try to keep the paint inside the scratched area.