Auto body repair & detailing: Toyota Highlander 04 back door interior trim removal, toyota higlander, toyota highlander

Can you give me any help on removing the lower interior trim from the back door of a 2004 Toyota Higlander? The cargo net was shut inside the latch mechanism and now we cannot get the back door (luggage door?) open. I have found a picture that says there are 16 clips holding the trim panel on but do you remove the the pull handle screw first? Is it best to use some type of putty knife? Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you in advance,

Remove any screws you can find first. A trim removal tool is preferred for these clips, but you probably will not be able to use one with the door shut. You can buy the tool at most auto parts stores, they are cheap. All I can tell you from past experience with jammed doors, is to carefully yank and pull the best you can. Try to do it in a warm area so you do not damage the trim panel any more than you have to. Maybe take it to a shop for further advise and maybe an estimate. Good Luck