QuestionI purchased a 2000 ford eddy bower edition explorer that had rear end
damage. the damage consisted of the hatch being totaled ( I perchest a new
one ) the rear driver side quarter panel buckled the driver side tail light
housing undefinable bumper destroyed ( I perchest a new one ) On the
bottom of where the hatch closes ( I think It might be called a rear seal ) has
a small but well defined buckle. I have asked for a local auto & body shop for
an estimate and they priced it at 3,600 dollars and that is just to much. So I
am thinking about doing it my self, I have never done auto body work before
but I am usually good at doing things like that. I was wandering if you could
give me a few pointers and maybe refer me to a good book or even better a
dvd on auto body repair. Thanks: Jeremiah Batson
AnswerHi Jeremiah,
1st: Take a look at this website: They sell several different types of DVD's dealing with auto body repair.
2nd: I think I would get a second estimate to see if the price the first shop quoted you is within reason. I have seen shops be way apart on estimates.
3rd: Maybe look into hiring a technician that works at one of the body shops for a weekend. Often times a shop will figure on replacing something as opposed to fixing because they have to put a warranty on it. If you hire out a technician he can probably fix it for you at a fraction of the cost without a warranty of course.
I hope this gives you some ideas!