Auto body repair & detailing: Honda Civic Rear Ended, diminished value claim, adjustor
QuestionQUESTION: We have a 2001 Honda Civic and we just got rear ended to the point where there isn't much of a trunk, we couldn't even get out bags out. The back two doors do not close properly anymore because the back sides of the car bowed out from the impact and it is currently undrivable. I am waiting to hear from the adjustor, but if they decided to fix it how badly will it affect the value of the car?
ANSWER: Hi Kate,
If it is bowed as you say it is I doubt that it will be fixed. They typically look at the true value of the car and the cost to repair. Typically they will total a vehicle at 65% value. If it is close and they decide to fix it I might would push for them to total it. I don't care how good a body shop is it is very hard to fix a car back to pre-accident condition.
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QUESTION: Thank you so much Gary,
Now this question is because I am pretty young and this is my first accident. How do you push the insurance to total it? I read somewhere about a diminished value claim but I am not sure if that applies.
AnswerTo be honest I would just flat out tell them that I don't want the car back unless it's going to be perfect. Typically if they think you will be hard to please they won't want to deal with you and will total it. It will most likely involve you having to be the bad guy. Otherwise, most insurance agents will do what is best for their company which means you get screwed in the process. You may be able to get your insurance agent involved because your insurance co. don't want to insure a car that's not fixed back to pre-accident condition. Check with your agent. Make him/her aware of what's going on and ask for advise on the situation. They may just make a few phone calls and clear the whole problem up for you.