Auto body repair & detailing: outer door handle on 07 freestyle suv ford, rivet gun, mercedes benz

QUESTION: how do u get the outer door handle  off of an 07 freestyle suv i have the door panel off but don't see exactly how to remove the outer door handle

ANSWER:  Ford uses a special quarter inch rivet for several fastener points on their doors, which is probably what you have. Look under the outside of the handle for two large black rivets, drill them out with a 1/4 inch drill. It takes a special rivet gun to install the new rivet.
 Good Luck

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QUESTION: there are no rivets they look like some kinda bolt but now way to get to them

ANSWER:  Pull the inner trim panel off, you need to get inside the door anyway to remove the linkage. Look inside at the back of the door handle, if you do not see nuts holding the handle on then you have rivets. Take a punch and knock out the center. Drill out the rivet with a 1/4 drill and replace. If you have nuts on the back side, they will be 10mm or 11mm.

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QUESTION: there are no rivets

I apologize for the misinformation. It looks like Ford has copied Mercedes Benz for this model door handle. Just inside your door, in the jamb near the handle, you should see a hole (might have a plastic plug in it) loosen the bolt or screw in the hole and the handle should come out with a little bit of wiggling. This should be a one bolt handle which can be replaced without pulling the inside door trim panel.
I have seen only one other company copy the Benz handle and they were Japanese. Ford has been using the rivets on most of their models for over 20 years. I'm sorry I told you wrong.