Auto body repair & detailing: sliding door & driver seat, fender wells, chevy dealership

Sorry Mike, my car is 1997 venture w/powerwd sliding door and driver powered seat.
theuy don't work, they stop at same time don't know if is the same fuse (I already check'em), or if is a braker or some thing else.
I know where the fuses are but no idea about braker.
In my repair book they said something about braker circuit.?? don't know.
Can you please help me.
Thanks and Happy New Year

If they stopped at the same time, they could be on the same circuit. Look in your owners manual for location of another fuse block, look under the hood, near the fender wells. Breaker do not usually go bad but relays do. I am not well educated on this particular model so you might want to go back to auto repair and find a mechanic that works for a Chevy dealership, that may be tough because most those guys do not answer a lot of questions, but it is worth a try. I'll do some more research and see what I can find out and get back to you.
 Happy new year,