Auto body repair & detailing: Broken Van door striker, gmc vandura, water intrusion

I have a 1990 GMC Vandura Van.  The door was not closing properly and I noticed that the striker and more specifically, the metal in the body is broken and the striker is just kinda hanging there in the hole.  Is this something can be welded and fixed back with any accuracy, since this type of repair will obviously make the striker stationary.

This needs the striker removed, a steel plate fabericated, and the the plate needs welded over the damaged area. It's totally do-able. The secret is to make the hole the striker bolts thru larger than needed, so that way there is some adjustment. The striker is essentially a large bolt, and it's threaded into a plate behind the striker. NOw, You also need to correct whatever made the door hit the striker in such a way as to cause it damage. This isn't a normal situation. Your model van was notorious for rusty/ stuck fast hinges, and the binding hinges damage the doors and throw them out of allignment. Every broken striker I ever saw was broken due to a mis-alligned door, usually caused by worn hinge hardware or a sprung door from being caught by a gust of wind. Those are usually accompanied by wind noise and water intrusion. Hope this helps. Bill