Auto body repair & detailing: matellic re spray, hr holden, paint company

QUESTION: can you spray acrylic paint over enamel.i have a 1966 hr holden.while spraying the under side of the boot the metallic paint went crazy.

ANSWER: Using a sealer for the first coat is usually the best method of repair. Check with your local automotive paint company for their recommendations. Each paint company has their own method of repair. Hope this helps.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: at what pressure should i set my compressor at for metallic paint

Pressure at the gun should be 35-45 pounds for the sealer, and 60-65 for Metallic topcoats. Remember pressure and distance will change the way the metallics lay down. This in turn changes the shading. Proper distance is 6 to 8 inches for lacquer and 8 to 10 inches for enamels.