Auto body repair & detailing: 2002 Chevy S10 Bumper removal, chevy s10, radiator support

How to remove the front bumper of a 2002 2wd LS Chevy S10 and install a replacement?  The existing bumper has small dent it got while sitting in a parking lot.  thank you

Hello Brian! Remove the headlamps by pulling out the 4 plastic clips that retain them. They are on the radiator support behind the lamps, and stick up a little above the top of the radiator support. Remove the grille, it's sort of tricky- it's held in with metal spring clips. Grab the top corner where the headlamp was, and pull outward. It will snap out. Carefully release the entire grille by just giving firm tugs on it. Not too hard, you could break the grille, or pull the clips off of the grille itself. With the grill removed, you can see 2 15mm head bolts on top of the bumper. Remove them. Now, looking down from the top, look behind the bumper. There are 2 more bolts behind, and down about 5 inches. Remove these. On either extreme end of the bumper, there are 2 bolts that come up from underneath. Remove these. The bumper will slide right off. I would loosen the 2 outer end brackets (mounted to the frame right next to the radiator support mounts) so they will allow easier installation of the new bumper. There is always a difference in the new part, and loosening will allow the bumper to slide left to right, as well as allow the ends of the bumper to be slightly adjusted up and down. That will give it an even line with the fender, and take care of drooping bumper ends. Bill