Auto body repair & detailing: body repair, fiberglass bedsides, paint ridge

I have a 2006 Dodge Ram dually p/u. I was hit on the rear dually fender which appears to be fiberglass. The damage is minor, but will require some body work and to be re-painted. My question is, what is the proper way to paint the fender??? If it is not removed and painted, it would seem that there would be a build-up of paint in the seam where it connects to the truck bed, or even a paint ridge would show if it wre taped off. Can you tell me what is the proper way of getting this done and if I will have a problem with the insurance company???? thanks, Will D.

Will, how severe is the crack? If it has any size at all, I would INSIST that the insurance company REPLACE the bedside on a truck this new. It sounds to me like they are just being cheap, and don't want to pay to do the job properly. Don't accept this repair if the crack is more than say, 4 inches long, and if there any other damage to the panel, such as scratches or gouges. I'm really sick of insurance companies pushing off sub-par repairs on the general public, and it sounds to me like you are falling into that category. Plastic and fiberglass bedsides are easy to replace, and it only takes a few hours. They just don't want to pay the seven or 8 hundred bucks for the part. I would scream at the adjuster until he makes this right with you. Ask a body shop that the insurance company  DIDN'T  recommend what their opinion is of the panel is, and if the estimate they wrote is fair. Don't agree to take it where the insurance company tries to make you take it, take it where you trust the people working on it. Preferred repair shops, or direct repair shops, always do what the insurance company says, not always what is best for the customer. Insurance companies grade direct repair shops on how many aftermarket parts they use, how much crap they fix instead of replace, that sort of thing. Basically, the more they let their company screw the customer, the higher they rate a body shop. They will try to steer you away from anyone who isn't in their network, because they know they will pay more. It's all about money, they don't give a shit if you get a good job. Bill