Auto body repair & detailing: auto paint repair blend clear coat, paint repair, auto paint
QuestionWhen repairing a section of panel on a car, I have found you can not blend to original finish because of overs pray. The blend area is rougher than orange peel and the clear coat just magnifies this. I will sand down the clear but I think I should have sanded the base coat overspray first. A rattle can blend seems to make this a necessity. I have read nothing about this as you should not have to sand a base coat...would this not save time? Clear coat covers 1200 mil scratches EZ. What do you think? THANKS for the site.
AnswerBret sorry but i blends cars every day with no trouble. what you have to do is say you are painting the door and blending in to the fender just tape the car up normal say everything but the door and fender and after that just put a full sheet of paper straight down to cover the fender spray 2 to 3 coats of base on the door then take the paper off the fender tack it and spray a coat from the door to the fender for your blend then clear both the door and fender and you should be fine.