Auto body repair & detailing: repairing powder coated wheels, powder coater, powder coated wheels

not sure if u can answer this 1 but I'll ask anyways. so i got my wheels powder coated blk last wk then had this tire shop mount & balance them & they scratched the hell out of them, not big gashes or anything but tons of sm scratches everywhere, definetly dont look like they did when i dropped them off, so do u have any advice as to how i can get them lookin as immaculate as they did b4 the idiot @ the tire shop screwed them up?

If the powder coat process was done properly they should not have scratched.I would go back to the powder coater and find out why this happened.Powder coating is supposed to be tougher than paint and I have come across "powder coaters" that do a sub-standard job on their work producing poor results.It sounds like maybe they ripped you and just painted them.