Auto body repair & detailing: car estimates, theft recoveries, luck mark

i wanted to find out if i can get a written estimates of my damage car.I need it for my court day .they stole my car and i didn't have any insurance for my car and so i need a written report from a body shop of all the damages on my car but i cant move it because the guy that the cops caught driving my car was driving with warn brake pads.i just wanted to see if you no something about getting a written estimated of my car i got some pictures of my car


I can't give you an estimate without actually seeing the car. I do know what you should do however. Call around to different shops and see if they are willing to do a mobile estimate. Some shops will send someone out if they think it may be worthwhile for them to actually repair the car. They probably will not if they believe it is a total loss. If they tell you it is a total loss, take the name of the person that told you and notes about his determination. Then you can go about the business of researching the value of the car and present that to the judge. Many of these theft recoveries are total losses and you may be wasting your time to try to get an estimate. In order to get a judgement you will need to prove the value of the car. Good Luck. Mark