I have some new quarter panels to install both sides.
I can do all the welding but how do i make the seam or joint.
I was told to fold it over on the car and then butt the repair quarter up to it?
I just have the skins not full.
Do i buzz the whole way down?
Answercut the old quarter off, and leave at least a half inch overlap for the new quarter to fasten to. A panel flanger would be nice here, it gives the joint a little more strength, and recesses the lap weld. Use half inch stitch welds, and weld the entire seam shut. DON'T OVERHEAT THE PANELS! Yes, it will take a long time doing it with 1 inch stitch welds, but that will help minimize distortion due to heat. A little trick to help absorb heat is to put wads of play-doh around the weld area. It acts as a heat sink, and can be rehydrated with a little water and kneading. Do expect some warpage, though. The trick is to control it, It's impossible to eliminate it. Bill