Auto body repair & detailing: Dont know where to start auto body repair, dodge ram van, dull paint

I have a 1986 Ford Mustang LX.  I would like to repair some of the body dents myself.  But I don't know where to start.  I also would like to repaint it.  I also have a 1988 Dodge Ram Van that could use some buffing out.  The color is dull.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks.

Just fill the dents and hand sand with a 3M sanding block...I start with 36 or 40 grit, then 80; then top coat (ask an auto body store for top coat, its applied with a spreader); sand with 80, 120, then 180; prime (use enamel primer if going to paint using base-coat clear-coat; use lacquer primer if will be painting in lacquer), wet sand w/220, paint.

As you go, feel free to ask how, as my explanation will make more sense when you are at each step.


As for the dull paint...if its just dull (not oxidized), you can polish it using a hand held  buffing machine with a wool pad at a slow rpm (1800) using a light, medium, or heavy compound; but, first, try using the same machine with, instead of a bonnet, a polishing sponge using 3m's FINESSE--ask the guy at a real auto body store.